Understanding The UK’s Points-Based Immigration System

The UK’s points-based immigration system is designed to control and manage immigration effectively, allowing the country to attract the skills it needs. Here is an overview of how the system works, focusing on the key routes and criteria:

Key Routes Under the Points-Based System

  1. Skilled Worker Visa
  2. Global Talent Visa
  3. Innovator and Start-Up Visas
  4. Student Visa
  5. Graduate Visa
  6. Intra-Company Transfer Visa

1. Skilled Worker Visa

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Job Offer: Must have a job offer from an approved UK employer.
  • Skill Level: Job must be at RQF Level 3 or above (A-level equivalent).
  • Salary: Must meet the minimum salary threshold of £25,600 per year or the specific salary requirement for the occupation, whichever is higher. Exceptions exist for shortage occupations and new entrants.
  • English Language: Proficiency at B1 level (intermediate).

Points Allocation:

  • Job offer from an approved sponsor: 20 points
  • Job at an appropriate skill level: 20 points
  • English language skills: 10 points
  • Salary (variable points depending on level): 0-20 points
  • Other criteria (e.g., shortage occupation, PhD in a relevant field): Variable points

Minimum Points Required:

  • 70 points

2. Global Talent Visa

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Endorsement: Must be endorsed by a recognized UK body in fields such as science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology, or arts and culture.
  • No Job Offer Required: Unlike the Skilled Worker Visa, no job offer is necessary.
  • Exceptional Promise or Talent: Must demonstrate exceptional talent or promise in the chosen field.

Points Allocation:

  • This visa does not operate on a points basis but relies on endorsement and proven talent or potential.

3. Innovator and Start-Up Visas

Innovator Visa:

  • Endorsement: Must be endorsed by an approved body.
  • Investment Funds: At least £50,000 to invest in a business.
  • Business Plan: Must have an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea.

Start-Up Visa:

  • Endorsement: Must be endorsed by an approved body.
  • No Investment Funds Required: Unlike the Innovator Visa, no initial investment funds are needed.
  • Business Plan: Must have a viable and scalable business idea.

Points Allocation:

  • These visas also do not use a strict points system but focus on endorsement and business viability.

4. Student Visa

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Offer from Educational Institution: Must have an offer from an approved educational institution.
  • Course Level: Must be a full-time course leading to a qualification at RQF Level 3 or above.
  • Maintenance Funds: Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself and pay for your course.
  • English Language: Proficiency at the required level for the course.

Points Allocation:

  • Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS): 50 points
  • Maintenance funds: 10 points
  • English language proficiency: 10 points

Minimum Points Required:

  • 70 points

5. Graduate Visa

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Completion of a Degree: Must have completed a degree at a recognized UK higher education provider.
  • Post-Study Work: Allows you to stay in the UK for 2 years (3 years for PhD graduates) to work or look for work.

Points Allocation:

  • No points system, but must meet completion and recognition criteria.

6. Intra-Company Transfer Visa

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Job Offer: Must have a job offer from your employer to transfer to the UK branch.
  • Skill Level: Job must be at graduate level or above.
  • Salary: Minimum salary requirement is £41,500 or the ‘going rate’ for the job, whichever is higher.
  • Work History: Must have worked for the employer overseas for at least 12 months, or 3 months if paid over £73,900 per year.

Points Allocation:

  • Job offer from an approved sponsor: 20 points
  • Job at an appropriate skill level: 20 points
  • Salary: 20 points

Minimum Points Required:

  • 60 points

General Requirements and Points Calculation

  • English Language: For most visas, English language proficiency is mandatory.
  • Maintenance Funds: Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself may be required.
  • Additional Criteria: Points may be awarded for additional qualifications, specific job offers, and salary levels.

Application Process

  1. Determine Eligibility: Review specific visa requirements and ensure you meet the criteria.
  2. Gather Documentation: Collect necessary documents such as proof of job offer, endorsements, qualifications, and funds.
  3. Apply Online: Complete the application form on the UK government’s official website.
  4. Pay Fees: Pay the application fee and healthcare surcharge.
  5. Biometrics: Provide biometric information (fingerprints and photograph).
  6. Decision: Wait for the decision on your application.


  • UK Government Immigration: Official website
  • UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI): For detailed visa guidance and application forms.

Understanding the points-based system and ensuring you meet the requirements is crucial for a successful immigration application to the UK.

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